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Download the Driver App from the Appstore or Google Playstore

Move forward, move green!

My Rides

The Driver app is linked to the Oeby platform and gives the driver real-time updates about his active and upcoming rides, loading and unloading addresses, ride information and comments. The waiting times are calculated by the app. The carrier and shipper can see photos and status updates on the Oeby platform, and the arrival time is passed on to the recipient in real time.

Finding your next ride has never been so easy

Oeby makes it possible for drivers to optimally fill their free pallet / container places by doing a search in the app. At the moment the driver does a search, the authorized person within the company receives a notification to approve this ride. It is also possible to set the kilometer or ride prices early so that the driver can get started right away.

Search Results

Under search results you will find the available rides to and from your specified location, and you can choose which ride suits you best.